Check out Dr. Rochester’s Kevin MD article about how you can use smartphones to improve your medical care. Click HERE to read the article.

Dr. Rochester’s article about her transition from clinical medicine to entrepreneurship was published on KevinMD. Click HERE to read more about what motivated her to create Your GPS Doc, LLC.

Dr. Rochester’s KevinMD article about her transition to entrepreneurship was featured in Physician On FIRE’s The Sunday Best

Dr. Rochester’s article, “What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know WILL Hurt You” is referenced in Dr. Deborah Burton’s article, “7 Lies Parents Need to Stop Telling Their Child’s Physician“, which appeared in the Huffington Post.

Dr. Rochester was featured in “How to Choose the Best Retirement Facility for Yourself or a Loved One” in Money Talks News.

Check out Dr. Rochester’s podcast interview with Jana Panarites of Agewyz Media Group LLC to learn more about her caregiving journey and why she founded Your GPS Doc, LLC.

Dr. Rochester participated in a panel along with Wala Blegay, J.D. to discuss the future of healthcare for communities of color.

Dr. Rochester contributed to an article for, “The Changing Role of the Caregiver”. Click here to read the article.

Dr. Rochester was interviewed by Tammy Flynn on the On-Air Advocate Podcast about her experiences caring for her father (who had vascular dementia) and how it inspired the creation of Your GPS Doc, LLC.

Dr. Rochester contributed to two articles about managing Emergency Room visits for aging parents for Philips Lifeline: “Understanding the Implications of a Parent’s ER Visit” and “Seniors: Implications of a Trip to the ER

Dr. Rochester also shared her professional expertise helping family caregviers navigate the healthcare system in “Hospital Discharge Checklist for Patients and Family Caregivers”.

Dr. Rochester was interviewed for a second time by Tammy Flynn of the On-Air Advocate Podcast. “The Caregiver’s Guide to Organizational Tools and Strategies with Your GPS Doc.”

Dr. Rochester contributed to an article on, “Should Doctors Have to Pay Patients for Running Late?” Click here to read the article.

Dr. Rochester shared her caregiving experiences with Lynette Whiteman, the host of “On the Frontlines of Caregiving” podcast on Blog Talk Radio. Click here to listen.

Dr. Rochester’s personal caregiving journey was highlighted in Modern Healthcare’s Free From Harm series. Click here to read the article.

Dr. Rochester was featured on 4SistersLive, a broadcast show that connects the community with resources in business, education, health, finance, and politics. Check out her interview beginning at 1:00:14.

Dr. Rochester contributed to the article, How to Be a Smart e-Health Consumer on

Dr. Rochester was quoted in the article, “How Can I Be Better Prepared For My Doctor’s Visits” on

Dr. Rochester contributed to an article for Reader’s Digest, 13 Health Insurance Tricks That Can Save You Thousands“.

Dr. Rochester shared her personal and professional insights about the challenges caregivers face when navigating the healthcare system in the article, “Recognizing the Caregiver in the Room” published by eviCore Health.

Dr. Rochester shares her personal entrepreneurial journey in an interview with Gresham Harkless of CEO Blog Nation for the I am CEO Podcast.

Dr. Rochester shared tips for college students as they begin to navigate the healthcare system independently on this episode of the Collegehood Advice podcast with Katy Oliveira. Click here to listen on iTunes. Click here to listen on

Dr. Rochester talked with Tandy Elisala, host of the Empowered Family Caregiver podcast, about ways family caregivers can effectively navigate a hospital stay. Click here to listen. To get Dr. Rochester’s free guide: “What to Do When Your Loved One is Hospitalized”, click here.

Dr. Rochester contributed to the article “9 Things to Consider When Relocating an Aging Loved One” on

Dr. Rochester shared her tips and insider advice in the following three articles regarding ACA Open Enrollment for Best Company:

4 Ways to Prepare for Open Enrollment

Pitfalls to Avoid During Open Enrollment” 

5 Confusing Things about Open Enrollment

Dr. Rochester shared her insights about men and why they avoid the doctor in the article, “The Psychological Reason Men Hate Going to the Doctor” on

Dr. Rochester contributed to the article, “38% of Americans Unaware the ACA is Still in Effect” on

Dr. Rochester discussed her experience with healthcare providers as a caregiver, her vision for a better healthcare system and her idea for a TEDx talk on the Speaking Your Brand podcast with Carol Cox. Click here to listen.

Dr. Rochester shared her caregiving journey in “Caring for an Aging Parent When Finances are Tight” on

Dr. Rochester shared her caregiving journey on the VOICES blog for

Dr. Rochester shared important health tips in the article, “College Students and their Health”, featured on, a popular website for parents of college and college-bound students.

Dr. Rochester contributed to an article on, “How to Handle Power of Attorney for a Parent with Dementia”. Click here to read the article.

Dr. Rochester was featured in the article “Survey: Obamacare Confusion Looms Over Open Enrollment” in

Dr. Rochester was interviewed on the Happy Healthy Caregiver Podcast with Elizabeth Miller. She shared her caregiving journey, how caregivers can advocate for their loved ones in healthcare settings, and so much more!

Dr. Rochester discussed how to manage college health emergencies with Tammy Flynn on the On-Air Advocate Podcast.

Dr. Rochester was featured in this full-length article in “The Future of Healthcare Series” for Medium’s Authority Magazine. ” She shared her intimate thoughts regarding healthcare disparities, her entrepreneurial journey, and why she is committed to helping family caregivers navigate the healthcare system.

Dr. Nicole Rochester spoke with Stephanie Gaines-Bryant, host of the Sisters4Fitness show, about the challenges of caregiving and steps we all can take to effectively navigate the healthcare system and receive appropriate health care.

Dr. Rochester was featured on Good Morning Washington in a segment about college health. She shared important tips to help college-bound students manage their own health, tips for parents regarding health insurance and other pitfalls, and provided a demo of her DIY first aid kit.

Dr. Rochester was interviewed by entrepreneur, producer, and media/entertainment mogul Rushion McDonald on Money Making Conversations.

Dr. Rochester had a thought-provoking and informative conversation about tips for navigating the healthcare system with Cheryl Beversdorf, host of the Aging Matters Radio Show. Click HERE to listen.

Dr. Rochester discussed tips for navigating the healthcare system with Dr. Heather Hammerstedt on her podcast, Curate Your Health. Click HERE to listen.

Dr. Rochester returned to WJLA to discuss medication errors and what patients and their family caregivers can do to prevent them.

Dr. Rochester was featured in the articles, “24 Entrepreneurs Explain How They Came up With Their Business Names” and “26 Entrepreneurs Share Their Tips and Tricks of Staying Motivated“.

Dr. Rochester provided cautionary advice regarding common pitfalls when purchasing health insurance plans in Healthline’s article “How to Pick the Right Healthcare Plan for You and Your Wallet”.

Dr. Rochester shared her tips for creating trust in the doctor-patient relationship to ensure patients are comfortable being honest in the article “When a Patient’s Answer to ‘How are You Doing’ Isn’t True“.

Dr. Rochester engaged in a wonderfully insightful conversation with Lynn Borton, host of the Choose to be Curious podcast, about the importance of curiosity when managing our own health and healthcare. Click here to listen.

Dr. Rochester shared her insight about talking to aging parents/loved ones regarding their care needs in this article: “5 Solutions to Overcoming Resistance to Care”.

Dr. Rochester talked with Dr. Maiysha Clairborne about her transition from clinical/academic physician to entrepreneurship on the Next Level Physicians podcast. Listen here:–Nicole-T-Rochester-Your-GPS-Doc-ea0pr9
Dr. Rochester discussed her career as a health advocate with Dr. John Jurica on the Physician Nonclinical Careers podcast.
Dr. Rochester shared her tips for stress management in the article 9 Ways Sandwich Generation Caregivers can Manage Stress
Dr. Rochester contributed to the following articles in Blink Health with tips for understanding your health insurance policy:
Learn the Terms: How to Decode Your Insurance Plan

9 Ways to Get More Out of a High-Deductible Health Plan
NursesRx website logo

Dr. Rochester shared her thoughts about the importance of including family caregivers as key members of the medical team in this article by, “Tips for Connecting with Your Patients’ Family“.

Dr. Rochester was the guest for the debut episode of the new College and Coins podcast- Medical Moments with Dr. Rochester. In this episode, Dr. Rochester discussed the importance of preparing college-bound students for managing their own health. She even shared her insights about the coronavirus pandemic and what college students and their parents need to know.

Dr. Rochester joined Tammy Flynn, host of The On-Air Advocate podcast, and Dr. Zarinah Hud, physical/sports/integrative medicine physician to discuss coronavirus/COVID-19. Click here to listen.

Check out Dr. Rochester’s special editorial article honoring her physician colleagues on National Doctor’s Day: We Don’t Need Another Luncheon.

podcast image, COVID-19

Dr. Rochester spoke with Dr. Berry Pierre, host of the Lunch & Learn Podcast with Dr. Berry, about COVID-19, health disparities, and what communities of color can do to remain safe during the coronavirus pandemic. Click HERE to listen!

The Daily Dose Podcast

Dr. Rochester was interviewed by WYPR, a local NPR affiliate, for their podcast, The Daily Dose. She discussed how COVID-19 is impacting nursing homes across the country and what family caregivers need to know in order to advocate for their loved ones. Click HERE to listen!

Dr. Rochester was thrilled to join Tammy Flynn, host of the On-Air Advocate podcast, for her 5th appearance. In this episode, she was joined by Dr. Zarinah in a discussion about COVID-19. Click HERE to listen!

Dr. Rochester had a riveting discussion with Dr. Jill Wener, physician, wellness expert, and anti-racism advocate, about health disparities and COVID-19.

In this article, Dr. Rochester shares her insight about prescription drug formularies and what consumers can do to save money. Drug Formularies 101: The Lesser-Known Way to Save Money on Your Prescriptions